Do You want to Tag along for the gambler 500? we can have nonregistered chase cars this year! Also, you can register for the camping portion of the event ONLY, if you would like. Camp opens Friday morning and will be rocking all weekend. it does cost the same, but if you want to head out early and set camp, party and wait for us to roll in. More power to ya! Tessa Carrillo will head out Friday night/sat morning to set our camp, and wait if anybody wants to roll with her, post up!
we will have two gambler cars (so far), a support crew (Royale Brewing Company), and I am working on a chase film crew for the weekend.
if you plan to chase, please post up your vehicle specs and info as I would like to verify a few safety/preparedness items. it will be a lot of offroad, so be prepared!
If you want to just hang out and party in camp, hells yeah! I look forward to seeing you. Get registered and come on out.
If you want to put a 3rd car together, there is still time!
This is going to be one of those events on one of those years, you won't want to have missed. I have a feeling.
Tess and I are already registered, let's do this!